
Partnerships are fundamental to family and communities. This is as true today as it was for emerging communities through the ages. The significance and importance of strong relationships is reflected in the symbolism of particular carvings and are often gifted to recognise a longstanding relationship, but also to bless and protect a new and developing partnership.

The Twist is a Maori tribal shape, symbolic of the joining of two people. The twist pendant is often gifted or worn to symbolise unity and togetherness and is a powerful statement of loyalty, friendship, and love.

The Dolphin and Whale are traditional carved symbols that are often given and received as symbols of loyalty.

The Koru necklace is a symbol of family bonds. The koru pendant is often given and worn as a symbol of family bonds and love.

Double and triple twist carvings are symbols of the bond between peoples, communities, or cultures rather than individuals. Traditionally they are given as an offering of friendship between different tribes.